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One of the biggest benefits of electric vehicles is their low running costs. However, many EV owners hesitate to take their vehicles on long-distance trips. Most EVs are used primarily for city commutes, such as office runs, because of range anxiety. This concern is valid, given the limited availability of charging stations in India.
But taking long EV trips isn’t impossible—it just requires proper planning, much like planning a vacation where you book hotels in advance. With the EVJoints Route Planner, long EV journeys are no longer a challenge.
Our trip planner helps you plan long EV journeys without worrying about running out of charge. With access to over 6000+ charging stations, you can map your route in advance and avoid any last-minute range anxiety.
Route: Enter your starting point and destination. You can swap these locations easily with the swap icon.
Radius Range: Select how far you’re willing to detour from your route to access a charging station (0–5 km). The larger the radius, the more stations will appear on your route.
Vehicle Model: Select the EV you'll be using for the trip if you own multiple EVs.
Vehicle Range: Input your EV's range. This is essential for calculating battery consumption.
Vehicle Weight: Add your EV’s weight (empty). We pre-fill this for popular EVs, but you can manually input it if needed.
Passenger Weight: Include the combined weight of all passengers.
Luggage Weight: Don’t forget to add luggage weight, especially for trips to mountainous regions where battery consumption is higher.
Vehicle Model: Select the EV you'll be using for the trip if you own multiple EVs.
Connectors: Select compatible AC/DC plugs for your EV.
Networks: Choose your preferred charging networks— you can select multiple.
Charging Speed: Filter by charging speeds your EV supports
Battery Capacity: Enter your EV’s battery capacity (in kWh). Pre-filled for most models.
Departure Battery %: Set your starting battery level. We recommend starting with a full charge.
Arrival Battery %: Indicate your target battery level upon reaching your destination.
Charging Threshold %: Define the minimum battery level at which stations should appear (e.g., 15–20%).
Once all inputs are complete, click "Show Trip." Within seconds, you'll receive a fully mapped route with the following features:
Charging Station Pins: See all stations along your route, with battery % at the time of arrival.
Stop Pins: Highlighted stations where charging stops are necessary.
Toggle View: Switch between battery % and kilometers on station pins.
Bottom Sheet Summary: View trip details, including the number of stops, distance, estimated time, and connector availability.
Customizations: Add or remove charging stops, and we’ll recalculate feasibility for your updated route.
For a more detailed breakdown, switch to the grid view:
Station List: Scroll through all stations, with highlighted stops for charging.
Station Details: Each card includes station distance, time from the last stop, and battery % upon arrival. You can update your battery levels after charging, and the route will be recalculated.
Save for Later: Save your trip plans for future reference.
Start Navigation: Start your trip or view it directly on Google Maps.
Rate the Trip: Under "Saved Trips," mark the trip as successful or not and leave comments to help us refine the tool further.
We hope you enjoy the EVJoints Route Planner as much as we enjoyed creating it for you. Share your thoughts and suggestions at so we can continue improving this tool for you.